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February 2, 2024

Amendments to Labour Market Testing (LMT) Obligations

Australia’s thriving economy has been bolstered by skilled migrants attracted by the country’s lifestyle and opportunities. Integral to the migration system is the Labour Market Testing (LMT) requirement, which mandates employers to consider local workforce before recruiting from abroad. Particularly impacted by LMT are the Temporary Skill Shortage (482) and the Medium-term stream and Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) (494) visas. A pivotal change has taken effect – the removal of the mandatory advertisement on Workforce Australia for LMT, simplifying the process for employers.


Previously, until December 11, 2023, employers had to conduct three valid advertisements, including one on Workforce Australia, to give precedence to Australian residents for job vacancies. Now, the shift from this tripartite advertisement mandate allows for two valid advertisements through alternative channels like online job boards, newspapers, or industry publications. This change aims to balance opportunities for local job seekers while streamlining recruitment for employers.


Employer Considerations: The decrease in advertisement requirements could expedite visa processing times. With the option removed to advertise on Workforce Australia, employers can tailor their recruitment more effectively by utilizing diverse platforms. It is crucial for compliance with the Department of Home Affairs’ guidelines during visa processing. Sponsoring employers must document the advertising used for visa nomination and adhere to specific advertising duration and content requirements, for which our migration team can offer assistance.


Advantages for Employers:

This alteration grants employers greater latitude to select from a wider pool of advertising avenues, allowing for a more targeted approach to recruitment. The modifications to the 482 and 494 visa LMT requisites signify a notable shift in Australia’s skilled migration strategy, facilitating employer procedures while still prioritizing the domestic workforce.


For further details, Contact our expert team.


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