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Overseas Business Sponsorship

Overseas Business Sponsorship Visa

If we are referring to a situation where an overseas business wants to sponsor or nominate employees to work in Australia, this typically falls under the Employer Sponsored Visa program. In this context, an overseas business can become an approved sponsor to bring skilled workers from overseas to work in their Australian branch or affiliate.

Key points related to sponsoring employees from an overseas business:

  1. Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS): The overseas business would need to apply for Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS) approval from the Australian government. This approval allows the business to sponsor and nominate skilled workers to work in Australia.
  1. Nominating Occupations: The overseas business must nominate specific occupations that align with the skill needs of their Australian operations. The nominated occupations must be on the relevant skilled occupation list.
  1. Labour Market Testing: In most cases, businesses are required to demonstrate that they have tested the local labor market by advertising the positions before nominating foreign workers. This ensures that qualified Australians are given the opportunity to apply for the job.
  1. Temporary and Permanent Visas: Depending on the nature of the job and the business’s long-term plans, the sponsored employees may be eligible for temporary visas (e.g., Temporary Skill Shortage Visa – Subclass 482) or permanent visas (e.g., Employer Nomination Scheme Visa – Subclass 186).
  1. Sponsorship Obligations: Approved sponsors have obligations to ensure that the sponsored workers’ employment conditions meet Australian standards, provide training opportunities, and cooperate with immigration compliance efforts.
  2. Application Process: The overseas business would need to submit an application for Standard Business Sponsorship, nominate the desired occupation and employee, and provide relevant documentation to demonstrate eligibility.

Note:Please note that immigration policies and procedures can change over time, and new visa categories or requirements may have been introduced since my last update. For the most accurate and up-to-date information about sponsoring employees from an overseas business, I recommend consulting our qualified immigration expert Mr. Manmohan Makkar.

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