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February 4, 2024

Amendment to Migration Legislation for Subclass 417 and 462 Visas

The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, and Multicultural Affairs has recently issued a legislative revision through Instrument LIN 24/020, 2024, which modifies the Migration Regulations 1994, specifically relating to the conditions of Subclass 417 and 462 Visas. Effective from the day subsequent to its registration on the Federal Register of Legislation, this update extends the definition of ‘specified work’ to not only include tasks associated with the recovery from floods and bushfires but also to cover a wider array of natural disaster recoveries, such as those from cyclones and storm surges.

The purpose of these amendments is to acknowledge and leverage the critical role that participants of the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program play in the rehabilitation of communities and businesses affected by such disasters, thereby accelerating the recovery process.

Moreover, the revision broadens the range of geographical locations where such recovery work can be recognized, adopting a more comprehensive stance towards disaster recovery efforts. This adjustment was made following consultations with both the National Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Home Affairs, ensuring that the changes accurately represent the diversity of natural disasters and the areas they impact. Further details on these changes are made available on the Department of Home Affairs’ website, providing essential information for visa holders and applicants.

By amending the ‘specified work’ requirements, this legislative instrument underlines the Australian Government’s recognition of the pivotal support provided by WHM visa holders in disaster recovery efforts, thus expanding the scope of activities and locations deemed eligible under this program.


Home Affairs – Latest News

Joint Media Release – 2/02/2024

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